Fishies by playmesh coin cheats

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Walkthrough - Cheat codes Walkthrough for Moshi Monsters PC: Roxy Moshling=HOBBIDIDANCEShakfear Bust=BARDBRAINMr Juggles=MoshifunParkDance floor=puzzle
Hi, I downloaded this I have a jailbreak for my ipod you can get get fish bucks for free but the app detects you're cheating and prevents you from playing.
Fishies by playmesh coin cheats
Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Cheats (GC. cheats for fishies app - YouTubeDamn!! I did this cheat and it ruined the game! Then I tried deleting the whole game but all of my data was still on it! Now I can never play this game
you have to jailbreak the ipod touch and able to ssh into it. here is what you put the 4 file into : private/var/mobile/application and there will be alot
Fishies by playmesh coin cheats
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